In a documentary for Nat Geo Wild's "Big Cat Week," Devin Hester of the Chicago Bears and Chris Johnson of the Tennessee Titans raced against a pair of Cheetahs. While Johnson came up short in his race, Hester bested his beast.
Hester did have an advantage. Johnson and his Cheetah had to race two lengths of the 30-yard Cheetah exercise track at Busch Gardens in Tampa while Hester and his Cheetah raced four lengths. Hester had a decided advantage on the turns. Also, it appeared that Hester's opponent was a little slow out of the gate.
Here is video of both races, starting with Johnson. You can see GIFs of each race below (via Nat Geo Wild)...
Here is a GIF of Hester's run...
And here is Johnson losing to his Cheetah...
Here is a video of both races...