While there are a lot of movie and TV announcements at San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC), one of the best parts of the four-day event is seeing the cosplay (short for costume play) people dress up in.
Head straight to the costumes >
Dressing up for SDCC has become a tradition that people take very seriously. While some dress up in traditional store bought costumes others go out of their way to spend hundreds of dollars creating their own unique looks.
More recently, celebrities have found it's an easy way (sometimes) to get around the Con undetected while still being able to mingle with fans.
From regular fans to professional cosplayers, we've compiled some of the best outfits worn by fans at this year's event.
If you've seen any great cosplay, email me at kacuna[at]businessinsider.com.
Thursday, everyone was trying to get a glimpse of this realistic embodiment of the next "X-Men" movie villain Apocalypse.

These three ladies are a spot on double for the witches from "Hocus Pocus."
Some people go the extra mile like this girl who came in her own homemade "Wreck-It Ralph" car.

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