Macs aren't known for their games, but that doesn't mean Apple doesn't have anything to offer in the way of interactive entertainment.
There are actually plenty of Mac-friendly games out there. We've found the best of the best and compiled them here.
As with any ranking, this is not an exact science. Price, popularity, graphic performance, and the overall user experience were all considered to rank these titles, though please comment if you feel your favorite game is being overlooked!
"Half-Life 2"

Released: 2010 (OS X)
Studio: Valve Corporation
Price: $9.99 on Steam
"Half-Life 2 is unquestionably one of the best games ever made,"wrote one user. "It is widespread knowledge that this feat of gaming ingenuity has set a bar that few games have managed to match in the years since its release."
"Left 4 Dead 2"

Released: 2009 (2010 for OS X)
Studio: Valve Corporation & Turtle Rock Studios
Price: $19.99 on Steam
"This bloodthirsty zombie apocalyptic game is highly addictive with its nice graphics and great multiplayer options,"said one user on GameSpot (that person gave it a 9 out of 10).

Released: 2011
Studio: Mojang
Price: $26.95 on
"The game's strongest point is its freedom,"wrote one reviewer. "The freedom to build whatever you want, go wherever you want, and create whatever you want. There is little limit here. "
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