A new poll from WSJ/NBC finds a high level of dissatisfaction with the president, the U.S. political system, and the economy, and a stunning number of respondents see a grim future for their children.
Just 40% of respondents approve of the job President Obama is doing, a level which matches an all-time low. On the matter of foreign policy — which is in the news a lot lately due to Russia, Ukraine, Iraq, and Gaza — the President's approval is at a mere 36%, also at an all-time low.
And though the stock market remains close to record highs, while unemployment has dropped considerably, there's still widespread pain being felt economically. 64% of respondents still say they're feeling the effects of the economic collapse, and nearly half believe the economy is still in recession.
But perhaps the worst stat shows the extent to which Americans have lost faith in the future of the country.
76% — an all-time high — are skeptical that their children will have a better life.
This chart shows how this number has deteriorated rapidly this decade, with an especially sharp jump in the last two years.
The gloomiest chart you'll see today: There's no confidence in our kids' future. WSJ/NBC poll: http://t.co/u15eVQchGHpic.twitter.com/mqRMFLjCtF
— Aaron Zitner (@aaronzitner) August 5, 2014