Inventor and M.I.T. Media Lab researcher David Rose coined the term "enchanted objects" to describe ordinary objects with extraordinary functions.
These objects are not only fun but also may hold the key to a better way for humans to use new technology — as opposed to what Rose considers a bleak future in which every tool will be crammed into a computer screen.
Rose, whose gadget-filled home was recently featured in The New York Times, has a new book called, "Enchanted Objects: Design, Human Desire, and the Internet of Things."
We've compiled 15 of the coolest enchanted objects currently in existence. Many of these aren't available on the market yet, but they offer a glimpse into what the future has in store.
The Vitality GlowCap reminds you to take your medications by lighting up, making chirping sounds, and eventually sending you a text message. You can share your medication data with a remote loved one, a professional caregiver, and your pharmacy.

Not widely available.
The Ambient Umbrella has a handle that will glow if snow or rain is in the forecast, reminding you to grab it on your way out the door.

Not widely available.
The Google Latitude Doorbell, created at the MIT Media Lab, chimes a tune when a family member is approaching the house. Each family member has their own tune.

Not widely available.
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