The 1970s was one of tech's golden eras, marking the dawn of personal computing and video games.
From gadgets like the first digital watch to the classic Atari 2600 game system, there was no better time to hit up the arcade or plop down on the couch for friendly round of "Pong."
Here are the best gadgets and tech of the 1970s, and we've even included a healthy dose of nostalgia, free of charge.
Who could forget the iconic Apple II computer? This 8-bit beauty was launched in 1977, and was designed by Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak.

There's nothing like the crackle of static to make you feel nostalgic for Sears' 1975 Walkie-Talkies.

Motorola's DynaTAC was invented in '70s and became the first cellphone available for the public to buy. It cost only $3,995 back then.

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