When the Navy SEALs or Army Special Forces need a ride, they call the unit with the most elite helicopter pilots in the world — the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR).
So it comes as no surprise that the 160th was involved in the effort to rescue American journalist James Foley and others from ISIS captivity in Syria. While the mission of the pilots — to get operators in and out of the target — was successful, ultimately no hostages were rescued.
"The Nightstalkers" as they are called, are the only special operations aviation unit in the Army, deploying almost continuously since 9/11 to provide drop-off for U.S. military elite at their targets. They also provide close air support — actually shooting at the enemy — while they are on the ground.
An elite air unit for special operations missions didn't always exist. After serious issues surfaced during a disastrous 1980 mission to free the hostages in Iran, the 160th was formed in 1981.
"We are a force ready to move at a moment’s notice anytime, anywhere, arriving on target plus or minus 30 seconds," Col. Clayton Hutmacher told Special Operations Technology.
It was only after serious issues were found during the disastrous mission to free the hostages in Iran, that the 160th formed in 1981.

Since then, the program has selected very few applicants. The standards are high — they like to have aviators with at least 500 flight hours, or at the top of their class at flight school.

Put simply, it's the exceptionally skilled pilots and crew who set the 160th apart.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider