Today, I learned from my co-worker Rob Wile about the crazy and cultish history of the Super Bowl Half Time show.
One of those halftime shows, from the 1985 Super Bowl, also happened to be space-themed.
That makes sense, since the '80s were the height of our manned space program. According to NASA:
During the 1980s, Kennedy Space Center made a critical shift in focus. Instead of moving relatively quickly from one human spaceflight program to another, as in the fast-paced 1960s and 1970s, the spaceport's workforce and facilities now were geared toward preparing and launching a revolutionary new spacecraft that would further advance our capabilities in orbit: the space shuttle.
Nine shuttle missions flew in 1985 alone.
But those amazing achievements don't make this half time show any less hilarious. Here are some amazing GIFs of the act.
A mini-moon landing:An amazing jetpack:
See more insane Super Bowl halftime acts >
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